With technology rapidly growing we all have better options that not only save our planet from global warming but also save our wallets. Here at Camtec we place a lot of emphasis on our renewable and energy management systems.
Renewable energy- solar power
Sometimes we see deals that are too good to be true, and as a leading electrical company in Perth we know all too well how unsure some customers are with the possible benefits of solar; but rest assured this isn’t a scam you can save a lot of money off your bills through the use of solar power. Solar panels work by converting the sun’s rays into electricity and storing that electricity until it’s used so the only time you ever tap into the local power grid is when you run out, and with over 8 hours of sun that we get in Perth each day that would rarely ever happen. Since you only have to pay for a fraction of the day when you tap into the grid you save hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on your lifestyle and where you live. For example if you have a general 3 kilowatt system installed you can save between $1128 and $1030 off of your electricity bill! This is just for homes, in businesses with access to larger kilowatts you could save even more.
There has also been a record low in solar panel costs that only seem to be dropping even more! With growing technology production costs are cheaper and the units can hold larger amounts of electricity so now is definitely the time to get some solar in your home or business.
Energy management
There are many different options for energy management in homes and businesses. These can range from installing complete smart wiring system to installing automatic lights. The options are endless and completely customisable to suite your needs and lifestyle.
To explain further; smart wiring systems basically connect your entire house together through a wireless dashboard that you can access on many devices such as your phones or tablets, the main pro of these systems however is that they make your home “future proof”. This means that no matter how technology grows your home will be able to accommodate the rapid changes. Other simpler management systems are things such as automatic lights that turn on or off through sensors or timers or wireless air conditioning and home security controls. The main way these systems help with the bills and the environment is the easy access; common household appliances can automate to turn off in case you’re forgetful for instance lights. I mean who hasn’t accidentally left a light on all day or worse an air con.
So you no longer have to worry about forgetting or your children forgetting because you can set it up and control however YOU want to!
All these systems from solar to smart wiring are easy to install and won’t break the bank so what’s stopping you from looking into improving your home or business?
For more information on the systems listed above or if you are looking for a quote just follow the link below.
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